How to install emteria.OS on Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 (CM3)

This tutorial will show you how to prepare and install emteria.OS on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 IO Board.

Flash the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 IO Board

  1. Don’t power up yet.
  2. Download and install the required drivers for RPiBoot on your PC (if not already done).
  3. Make sure the Compute Module is installed correctly on the IO board.
    It should be parallel to the board and with the engagement clips clicked into place.
  4. Set the J4 (USB SLAVE BOOT ENABLE) to the 'EN' position.
  5. Connect the IO board to your PC through the micro USB slave port.

    Plug-in the micro USB cable into the USB slave port marked as J15.

  6. Don't power up yet.
  7. Run the RPiboot.exe on your PC. Installed in step 2 along with the drivers.
  8. Power up the board. The eMMC should now appear in Windows as a USB stick.
  9. Open the emteria installer and choose the Raspberry Pi compute Module 3 IO Board release.

    Read the tutorial on how to access the installer.

  10. Flash emteria.OS onto the eMMC.
  11. Set the J4 (USB SLAVE BOOT ENABLE) to the disabled position.
  12. Unplugged everything from the USB slave port.
  13. Power up your device and enjoy emteria.OS.

Read the official documentation for further options when flashing the eMMC.

The Raspberry Compute Module 3 has a lite edition without eMMC storage. Therefore, for these boards the RPiBoot will not be needed. The lite editions support booting from an SD card. You can flash emteria.OS onto the SD card, insert it into the IO board and run the OS on your device.