This article explains how to access and get the emteria.OS installer for your operating system.
Emteria.OS is released in the form of multiple packages, which have to be combined on the storage of the target device. (E.g. SD card in the case of a Raspberry Pi). Below you will find the necessary steps to download and run the emteria.OS installer.
Note: For your convenience, we also provide a graphical installer for emteria.OS, which can be executed on your computer to perform all required steps automatically.
Installer download
Attention: Do not download this program directly onto your target device, but use your computer to prepare the storage!
- Log in to your Device Hub.
Navigate to our login page or create a new account. - Navigate to Downloads.
Or use the following link. - Download the installer application by choosing the operating system of your PC or laptop.
Next steps: Follow our tutorial on how to install the installer on Linux.
Next steps: Follow our tutorial on how to install the installer on Windows.
Next steps: Follow our tutorial on how to proceed with the emteria.OS installation.