How to enable App Autostart in Device Provisioning

This article explains how to enable and set up Apps for App Autostart through Device Provisioning in your Device Hub.

Note: Enabling App Autostart and setting apps for Autostart through Device Provisioning is done as part of the pre-configuration process of your devices. Changing provisioning options does not affect the configuration on already installed devices. Of course, enabling and disabling App Autostart can also be done through Commands or directly on your device.

How to enable App Autostart

  1. Log in to your Device Hub.
  2. Navigate to Provisioning.
  3. Choose existing provisioning settings or create a new one.
  4. Scroll down to Application Preferences.
  5. To enable App Autostart fill in the following values:
    Package name: com.emteria.settings
    Category name: com.emteria.settings_preferences
    Preference type: bool
    Key name: autostart_enabled
    Preference value: true
  6. Click Add.

Note: For further explanation read an Introduction to Device Provisioning.


How to set Apps for Autostart

Under Application Preferences fill in the following values:

Package name: com.emteria.settings
Category name: com.emteria.settings_preferences
Preference type: set
Key name: autostart_apps
Preference value: 0;com.example.packagename,1;com.example.secondpackage

 Note: What to keep in mind when filling in the Preference value:

  • First value is the order (0,1,2,3,…) and the second value is the package,
  • Value and package are separated by a semicolon (;),
  • Pairs of value;packages are separated by a comma (,).