How to create a Universal License

This article gives a general introduction to Universal License and explains how to set it up in the Device Hub.

Article overview:

Introduction to Universal License

How to make a license Universal

How to add the Universal License to your device

How to activate your device with Universal License

Best practice

Introduction to Universal License

A Universal License is a special license type made from any existing license in your account. It can be seen as a key to all other licenses inside a specific License Group. Using it is the most useful when you want to deploy multiple devices and avoid manual activation process. Instead of flashing emteria.OS on every SD card and manually activating every device, you can create a Master SD Card from which you can clone all other SD cards. With a Universal License present on the Master and cloned SD Cards it will automatically reactivate devices which were already activated in the past, and it will also activate new devices automatically by assigning them unused licenses from the selected license group.

How to make a license "universal"

Note: Every license can be used as a Universal License, but you will need one advanced/premium subscription to access Device Provisioning.

  1. Log in to your Device Hub.
  2. Navigate to Devices.
  3. Click on the group you would like to use Universal license for.
  4. Copy one of the activiation code inside this group (it does not matter which one).
  5. Navigate to Universal licenses.
  6. Paste your activation code here and click Add.
  7. Set a Target group, from which unused licenses is will be assigned.

How to add a universal license to your device

  1. Navigate to Provisioning.
  2. Select one of your provisioning settings or create a new one. 
  3. Scroll to Device Registration.
  4. Select the activation code from the list and click Add.
  5. On the bottom click Save and Export.
  6. The file has been downloaded to your computer. Rename it to config.json
  7. Install emteria.OS on one of your devices and connect it to a network.
  8. Use ADB to connect to your device with your computer. 
  9. After establishing connection write the following commands:
     adb push C:\Path\to\file\config.json /data/local/tmp/
    adb shell
  10. Now that you have an open shell on the device, write the following commands:
    mv /data/local/tmp/config.json /data/oem/config.json
    chown system:system /data/oem/config.json

    How to activate your device with Universal license

Important: At this point your device should not be activated. If it was activated before, please clean up the account from the device before continuing. 

  1. Open your device and navigate to App drawer > Emteria License.
  2. If you have successfully added your provisioning configuration, you should see the third option. Click on Continue with oem config data.
  3. The correct license will be assigned to this device automatically. 
  4. Restart your device to finish activation. 
  5. You can now make copies of your SD card and insert them into your devices. The devices will be automatically activated through the Universal License with the correct activation codes or unused licenses will be assigned to newly activated devices. 

Note: If you remove a Universal License from Universal Licenses, automatic activation and reactivation of your devices with the Universal License will no longer be possible.

Note: In the past, "config.json" file from provisioning settings was automatically downloaded by the Emteria Installer and was added to the boot partition during installation process . This behavior is deprecated and will be removed from the Installer in future.

Best practice

  • It is best to keep your Universal License secret. If openly shared, your Universal License can be misused by third parties to activate their devices with your unused licenses.
  • If you know you will only be using a certain amount of unused licenses from your group, it would be recommended to make a smaller staging group and set it as the Target group. This is for a security reason in case your Universal license gets leaked.