Configuration through system properties for Raspberry Pi

The emteria Raspberry Pi builds contain several possibilities to configure the system through system properties.

These properties can be set through the console with the following command:

setprop <property name> <value>

See our article on how to access the console: UART.
Setting system properties is also possible through our provisioning system or our MDM.


The following table holds property names, values and results.

Property name Property value Description
persist.rpi.vc4.force kms Forces the system to use Raspberry Pi’s KMS.
persist.rpi.vc4.force fkms Forces the system to use Raspberry Pi’s Firmware KMS.
persist.rpi.mode.force <width>x<hight>@<refresh_rate> Forces a user-selected resolution if the selected resolution
is valid and supported.
If the user enters an unsupported resolution the system
selects 1920×1080@60 as default.
persist.rpi.cmdline cmdline=<commands> Extends the kernel command line given by <commands>
several commands are separated by spaces.

eg. cmdline=androidboot.product.board=emteria
persist.rpi.mode.connector.index 1 Only for RPi3
Forces the system to use the HDMI connector.
persist.rpi.mode.connector.index 2 Only for RPi3
Forces the system to use the DSI connector. <card_number>:<device_number> Only for RPi3
Forces the system to use a specified audio card and device.
default: 0:0 (HDMI) <card_number> Only for RPi4
Forces the system to use a specified audio card.
default: 0 <device_number> Only for RPi4
Forces the system to use a specified audio device.
default: 0 (HDMI)
Set it to 1 for audio jack.
persist.rpi.display.allow.disconnect 0 (default) Only for RPi4
Primary display is not disconnectable.
persist.rpi.display.allow.disconnect 1 Only for RPi4
Primary display is disconnectable.